
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Published Campaigns with Homebrew Adventures – Lazy RPG Talk Show
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 01:20 Kickstarter Spotlight: Deck of Player Safety
- 04:24 D&D & RPG News: Tales of the Valiant on What's Compatible and What Isn't
- 13:35 Commentary: Homebrew Adventures in Published Settings
- 32:14 Patreon Question: Better Inclusiveness and Representation In Our Games
- 36:39 Patreon Question: Dice-Rolling for Stochastic Countdown Timers
- 38:57 Patreon Question: Managing Pacing of Downtime and Roleplayy Scenes
- 41:45 Patreon Question: Building Combat Encounters
- 45:00 Patreon Question: Tools for Improvisation At The Table
- 48:16 Patreon Question: Forge of Foes General Use Stat Block Encounter Math
- 52:00 Patreon Question: Improving NPC Dialog
- 53:41 Patreon Question: Character-Focused Spiral Campaign Development
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- Deck of Player Safety Kickstarter
- Tales of the Valiant on What's Compatible and What Isn't
- EN World: Introducing the COUNTDOWN DICE Mechanic!
- THE UNDERCLOCK: Fixing the Random Encounter
- The Lazy 5e Cheat Sheet

Friday Jun 02, 2023
Empire of the Ghouls Part 3 – The Blood Marriage
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Mike offers tips and a recap for running the third part of Empire of the Ghouls.

Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 01:16 D&D & RPG News: Candela Obscura
- 08:18 Kickstarter Spotlight: Tales of the Valiant
- 33:52 Commentary: The D&D Book Price Increase
- 47:58 Patreon Question: Trying Out House Rules
- 51:17 Patreon Question: Dials for Magic Items
- 53:41 Patreon Question: Physical Tools for Online Play
- 55:39 Patreon Question: Gods for your Homebrew Campaign
- 58:18 Patreon Question: Alternatives to Notion

Friday May 26, 2023
Scarlet Citadel Session 25 – Lazy GM Prep
Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 00:56 Commentary: Maps - Is D&D an Incomplete Product?
- 02:54 Commentary: Maps - No Great Single Solution for In-Person Play
- 04:51 Commentary: Maps - What Does D&D Recommend for New DMs?
- 06:44 Commentary: Maps - A Big Digital Display
- 07:45 Commentary: Maps - The Pathfinder Basic Flip Mat
- 10:35 Commentary: Maps - Big Sheets of 1" Gridded Poster Paper
- 13:12 Commentary: Maps - Print "Blueprint" Maps for Cheap.
- 15:14 Commentary: Maps - Use Cloth for a Fog of War
- 16:24 Commentary: Maps - Print Individual Rooms on Normal Paper
- 18:59 Commentary: Maps - Mixing Different Types
- 20:24 Product Spotlight: JP Coovert's Drawing Dungeons Booklet
- 25:18 Commentary: Maps - Theater of the Mind and Abstract Maps
- 29:26 Commentary: Maps - Try Lots of Options
- 30:37 Product Spotlight: The Works of JP Coovert
- 40:18 Patreon Question: Rewarding Inspiration
- 43:57 Patreon Question: Balancing Encounters Across the Adventuring Day
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- Using Maps for In-Person Play
- The Pathfinder Basic Flip Mat
- Big Pads of 1" Gridded Paper (affiliate link)
- JP Coovert's Draw a Battle Map video
- Flik Silverpen's Guide to Drawing Dungeons
- Running Theater of the Mind Combat
- Abstract Maps for D&D Combat

Friday May 19, 2023
Scarlet Citadel Session 24 – Lazy GM Prep
Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 00:49 Product Spotlight: Crown of the Oathbreaker Physical Book
- 03:57 Sly Flourish News: The Lazy GM's Resource Document in the Creative Commons
- 08:14 Sly Flourish News: Lazy Solo 5e generator on Perchance
- 10:04 Commentary: Developers! Help Open5e!
- 14:22 Commentary: Will WOTC Use Open5e?
- 15:58 Commentary: Playing Five RPGs in Three Days
- 18:57 Commentary: Playing Dungeon World at 1d4 Con
- 21:15 Commentary: Playing Pathfinder 2 at 1d4 Con
- 25:57 Commentary: Playing Call of Cthulhu at 1d4 Con
- 29:05 Commentary: Playing Dungeon Crawl Classics at 1d4 Con
- 32:12 Commentary: Playing My Friend's New RPG at 1d4 Con
- 34:29 Patreon Question: Players Questioning the GM's Logic
- 38:04 Patreon Question: Remembering Campaign-Specific Rules
- 40:18 Patreon Question: Is the DM the Storyteller or the Referee? Neither!
- 42:53 Patreon Question: Running 45 Minute Battles with No Tweaking
- 47:19 Patreon Question: Reigning in Wanderlust in an Island Hopping Campaign
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- Crown of the Oathbreaker
- Crown of the Oathbreaker Spotlight
- Lazy GM's Resource Document
- Lazy Solo 5e Generator
- Open5e
- Open5e Discord Server
- Dungeon World
- Pathfinder 2 (Affiliate Link)
- Call of Cthulhu (affiliate link)
- Dungeon Crawl Classics (affiliate link)

Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 01:17 Kickstarter Spotlight: Knave 2.0
- 08:02 Kickstarter Spotlight: Amazing Encounters and Quests
- 10:35 Kickstarter Spotlight: Emporium of Wonders
- 13:20 Commentary: Tips from the Midnight Temple
- 36:13 Patreon Question: Organizing an big RPG Club and Community
- 40:14 Patreon Question: Building Mythic Monsters
- 44:53 Patreon Question: Action-Oriented Monsters in Forge of Foes?
- 46:15 Patreon Question: Playing In Person after 30 Years Away
- 49:24 Patreon Question: Lazy Gamemaster's Guide?
- 52:27 Patreon Question: Does Curse of Strahd Take a Lot of Work to Fix? No
- 55:34 Patreon Question: Needing to Take a Break?
- 58:35 Patreon Question: Top Tips for New and Experienced GMs
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- Knave v2 Kickstarter
- Amazing Encounters and Quests Kickstarter
- Emporium of Wonders Kickstarter
- Fantastic Lairs Monstrous Appendix
- Lazy DM's Toolkit
- Ginny Di on Burnout
- Top Tips for Being a Great Gamemaster

Friday May 05, 2023
Scarlet Citadel Session 23 – Lazy GM Prep
Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 01:10 D&D & RPG News: Owen KC Stevens Bundles on DriveThruRPG
- 02:26 D&D & RPG News: Owlbear Rodel 2.0 Official Release in July
- 06:19 D&D & RPG News: Kobold Press Tales of the Valiant Monsters Playtest
- 19:51 D&D & RPG News: 2024 D&D Players Handbook Playtest 5
- 24:48 DM Tip: Mass Effect Style Preludes and Wars
- 33:46 DM Tip: Tuning the Lazy Encounter Bechmark
- 38:34 Patreon Question: Chat GPT and AI For Adventure Generation
- 44:26 Patreon Question: Running Ship Battles in Light of Xaryxis
- 47:40 Patreon Question: Character Grabbing the Wrong Hook
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- Owen KC Stevens Bundle 1
- Owen KC Stevens Bundle 2
- Owlbear Rodel 2.0 Full Release
- Owlbear Rodeo Videos
- Kobold Press Tales of the Valiant Monster Playtest
- D&D 2024 Players Handbook Playtest 5
- Lazy Encounter Benchmark

Friday Apr 28, 2023
Scarlet Citadel Session 22 – Lazy GM Prep
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 01:17 Sly Flourish News: The Lazy GM's Resource Document
- 18:21 D&D & RPG News: Darrington Press Roleplaying Games
- 22:19 D&D & RPG News: Chris Perkins on the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide
- 23:13 D&D & RPG News: Cubicle 7 on C7D20 Open Licensing
- 32:07 D&D & RPG News: More D&D Creator Summit Accounts
- 33:19 Patreon Question: Running High Level 5e Games
- 37:25 Patreon Question: Pointing Out Magic Items to Characters
- 40:16 Patreon Question: Tying Together Independent Published Adventures
- 43:04 Patreon Question: 5e Cross Compatibility Among Publishers

Friday Apr 21, 2023
Scarlet Citadel Session 21 – Lazy GM Prep
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 01:02 Product Spotlight: Regnum Rattus - The Rats in the Cellar
- 02:50 Product Spotlight: Iskandar Explorer's Journal Volume 1
- 04:36 Kickstarter Spotlight: Blood and Doom
- 11:24 Sly Flourish News: Three Books Released to the Creative Commons
- 14:21 Commentary: What's Changed over 13 Years of Lazy DMing?
- 27:52 Sly Flourish News: More Material to the Creative Commons
- 31:41 Commentary: What Does 5e Backward Compatibility Mean?
- 49:04 Patreon Question: Dealing with Non-Heroic Heroes
- 53:37 Patreon Question: Convincing a DM to Run Online Games
- 55:27 Patreon Question: Initiation Quests to Get Into a Cult
- 57:35 Patreon Question: Challenging Tier 4 Characters
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- Iskandar Explorer's Journal Volume 1 (Affiliate Link)
- Blood and Doom Kickstarter
- Dungeon Master Tips – Creative Commons
- Running Epic-Tier D&D Games – Creative Commons
- The Lazy Dungeon Master (2014) – Creative Commons

Friday Apr 14, 2023
Scarlet Citadel Session 20 – Lazy GM Prep
Friday Apr 14, 2023
Friday Apr 14, 2023
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday Apr 10, 2023
D&D Creator Summit Recap and Discussion – Lazy RPG Talk Show
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Mike talks about the D&D Creator Summit with a focus on what matters most to 5e DMs and GMs.
- 00:00 Show Start
- 02:10 D&D & RPG News: Kobold Press's Black Flag is Tales of the Valiant
- 02:48 D&D & RPG News: The ORC Open Gaming License Draft Released
- 05:18 D&D & RPG News: Thirteenth Age Humble Bundle
- 06:21 D&D & RPG News: D&D Summit Writeups by Others
- 07:05 D&D & RPG News: D&D Summit Top Three Observations for D&D DMs
- 10:51 D&D & RPG News: Looking Into the D&D Summit Organization, Missteps, and Recommendations for Next Time
- 18:50 D&D & RPG News: D&D Summit 2024 Core Book Updates
- 39:40 D&D & RPG News: The Format of Planescape
- 41:08 D&D & RPG News: Thoughts on a D&D Beyond Marketplace
- 44:51 D&D & RPG News: Other News from the D&D Summit
- 50:05 Patreon Question: What Should the Dungeon Master's Guide Do?
- 51:44 Patreon Question: Challenges for 11th+ Level Characers
- Tales of the Valiant
- ORC License Public Draft
- Thirteenth Age Humble Bundle
- EN World D&D Creator Summit Summary
- TheSpaceJamber D&D Creator Summit Summary
- Daniel Kwan D&D Creator Summit Summary and Thoughts
- Alphastream D&D Creator Summit Summary
- D&D Community Update on the Creator Summit
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:

Monday Apr 03, 2023
D&D Direct, D&D Summit, D&D 3D VTT, C7D20 Design – Lazy RPG Talk Show
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 01:22 D&D & RPG News: D&D Direct Announcements
- 05:50 D&D & RPG News: D&D 3D Virtual Tabletop First Look
- 09:54 D&D & RPG News: More Announcements from D&D Direct
- 13:03 D&D & RPG News: The D&D Virtual Summit
- 17:07 D&D & RPG News: PlayDnD and D&D Beyond 1st Level Pregens
- 21:04 D&D & RPG News: Cubicle 7's Design Goals for C7D20
- 25:22 D&D & RPG News: Shadow of the Weird Wizard Ancestries
- 27:09 Patreon Question: Getting Better at Being a DM
- 30:54 Patreon Question: Using Random Tables for Prep or At The Table?
- 33:12 Patreon Question: Using D&D For Facing with Real Life Issues
- 35:35 Patreon Question: Too Many NPCs as Upward Beats in a Dungeon Crawl
- 37:38 Patreon Question: Getting Through Lots of Story in Shorter Sessions
- 41:54 Patreon Question: Running Online With Some Players At Same Location
- 44:41 Patreon Question: How's Dungeon 23 Working Out?
- 48:05 Patreon Question: Dealing With High Passive Insight
- 50:20 Patreon Question: Offering Three Plus Infinite Choices
- 52:07 Patreon Question: Building Shorter Campaigns for 8 to 12 Sessions

Friday Mar 31, 2023
Scarlet Citadel Session 19 – Lazy GM Prep
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 01:09 Sly Flourish News: Final Week of Forge of Foes
- 12:08 Sly Flourish News: Appearance on D&D Beyond Twitch Stream
- 13:41 Sly Flourish News: Forge of Foes Interview on EN World
- 14:30 Commentary: The Resilience and Antifragility of Tabletop RPGs
- 25:22 Commentary: What can WOTC Do for the RPG Community?
- 44:22 D&D & RPG News: Before the Storm D&D Intro on D&D Beyond
- 45:30 Patreon Question: Avoiding Bioessentialism in 5e RPGs
- 52:05 Patreon Question: Low Fantasy Survival Horror in 5e
- 56:18 Patreon Question: Dealing with Lots of Overpowered Tag Along NPCs

Friday Mar 24, 2023
Scarlet Citadel Session 18 – Lazy GM Prep
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 01:23 Sly Flourish News: Forge of Foes Material Going to Creative Commons
- 03:33 Sly Flourish News: General-Use Stat Blocks for 5e in Forge of Foes
- 16:11 D&D & RPG News: Shadow of the Weird Wizard Kickstarter June 2023
- 17:13 Product Spotlight: Arcane Library Adventures for 5e
- 31:21 D&D & RPG News: Kobold Press Black Flag Playtest 2
- 53:53 Patreon Question: Why Make a Book About Building Monsters?
- 57:01 Patreon Question: Playing D&D with Small Children or Obstructive Pets

Friday Mar 17, 2023
Scarlet Citadel Session 17-2 – Lazy GM Prep
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 01:36 Sly Flourish News: Forge of Foes Kickstarter Continues
- 02:52 D&D & RPG News: Radiant Citadel Nominated for a Nebula
- 03:53 D&D & RPG News: Tome of Beasts 1 Revisited
- 05:39 Product Spotlight: Campaign Builder - Cities and Towns by Kobold Press
- 14:24 D&D & RPG News: D&D Community Update
- 19:22 D&D & RPG News: D&D Content Creator's Summit
- 21:43 Commentary: How Can Wizards be a Stronger Positive Force in the RPG Community?
- 38:59 Patreon Question: Modifying NPCs with Species Traits
- 42:07 Patreon Question: The Challenge of Discovering Secrets
- 45:28 Patreon Question: Integrating In Disconnected Characters
- 50:10 Patreon Question: Using Dice for Other Things In-World

Friday Mar 10, 2023
Scarlet Citadel Session 17 – Lazy GM Prep
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 01:07 Sly Flourish News: Forge of Foes Kickstarter Going On Right Now!
- 02:48 Kickstarter Spotlight: Shadowdark RPG by Arcane Library
- 10:58 Product Spotlight: Open5e.com
- 18:01 Patreon Question: How to Handle Maps for Exploration
- 20:55 Patreon Question: Teaching New Systems to Players
- 23:25 Patreon Question: Taking Notes while Running a Game
- 25:45 Patreon Question: Helping Players Balance Character Types and Skills
- 27:59 Patreon Question: Not Offering Custom Lineage or Variant Humans -- Is that Wrong?
- 30:54 Patreon Question: Accomidating a Players's Spirit Being In Your Game
- 35:48 Patreon Question: Overwhelmed by Midgard Lore
- 40:49 Patreon Question: Dealing with Shopping Sessions
- 44:54 Patreon Question: Balancing Encounters in High Magic Item Campaigns
- 47:47 Patreon Question: Adopting the Eight Steps to Gumshoe Games

Friday Mar 03, 2023
Empire of the Ghouls Chapter 2 Tips and Experiences
Friday Mar 03, 2023
Friday Mar 03, 2023
Mike shares his tips and experiences for running Chapter 2 of Empire of the Ghouls!

Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 00:55 Sly Flourish News: Forge of Foes Kickstarter This Wednesday!
- 02:04 D&D & RPG News: Arcana of the Ancients Bundle of Holding
- 03:48 D&D & RPG News: Mastering Dungeons on Shadow of the Demon Lord
- 04:26 D&D & RPG News: New One D&D Playtest
- 23:03 Product Spotlight: Iskandar Player's Handbook
- 31:25 Patreon Question: Co-DMing Two Groups in the Same Campaign Adventure
- 34:40 Patreon Question: Managing and Referencing So Many Monster Books
- 38:26 Patreon Question: Updates to the 5e Artisenal Monster Database in Notion
- 43:42 Patreon Question: Worldbuilding Book recommendations
- 45:37 Patreon Question: Sharing RPG PDFs with Google Drive
- 49:02 Patreon Question: Running D&D for a 5 year Old
- 51:12 Patreon Question: Getting Players to Be More Tactical
- Forge of Foes Launching Wednesday! Get Notified!
- Arcana of the Ancients for 5e Bundle of Holding
- Mastering Dungeons Podcast
- Mastering Dungeons on Shadow of the Demon Lord (YouTube)
- One D&D Unearthed Arcana: Druid and Paladin
- Iskandar Player's Handbook
- Notion 5e Artisanal Monster Database
- Kobold Guides (including Worldbuilding)
- Sharing Documents on Google Drive Without Downloading or Printing
- Fate Accelerated
- RPG Kids
- Magical Kitties Save the Day
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:

Friday Feb 24, 2023
Scarlet Citadel Session 16 – Lazy GM Prep
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 01:17 Sly Flourish News: Forge of Foes Kickstarter Coming March 1st
- 13:20 Kickstarter Spotlight: Valikan Clans by Ghostfire Gaming
- 16:35 D&D & RPG News: Kobold Press Black Flag Playtest 1
- 35:05 D&D & RPG News: Demiplane 5e Nexus and the Future of Digital 5e Tools
- 40:43 Product Spotlight: Level Up Advanced 5e Trials and Treasure by EN World Publishing
- 50:20 Patreon Question: The Future of RPGs -- 5e or Independent RPGs?
- Forge of Foes Kickstarter Pre-Launch Page
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- Grim Hollow Valikan Clans Kickstarter
- Kobold Press Black Flag Playtest 1
- Black Flag Designer Diary 1
- 5e Nexus by Demiplane
- Level Up Advanced 5e Trials and Treasure by EN World Publishing
- Fantasy Heartbreakers

Friday Feb 17, 2023
Scarlet Citadel Session 15 – Lazy GM Prep
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!