
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 01:04 Sly Flourish News: Forge of Foes Kickstarter 1 March
- 03:28 Sly Flourish News: City of Arches Updates
- 10:58 Commentary: Kyle Brinks and the Future of D&D from Wizards of the Coast
- 28:31 Kickstarter Spotlight: Escape from Undergarden by JVC Parry
- 30:58 Kickstarter Spotlight: Encyclopedia 2 by Studio Agate
- 38:25 Patreon Question: Overwhelmed Running Big Published Campaigns
- 42:02 Patreon Question: Players Voting on Campaign Adventures to Run
- 44:30 Patreon Question: How Long to Prep Games and Generate Ideas?
- 48:03 Patreon Question: Running Shorter Sessions
- Forge of Foes Kickstarter Goes Live 1 March!
- Three Black Halflings Kyle Brinks Interview
- Three Black Halflings Interview EN World Summary
- Mastering Dungeons Kyle Brinks Interview
- Mastering Dungeons Kyle Brinks Interview EN World Summary
- Ginny Di Kyle Brinks Video
- Escape from Undergarden Kickstarter
- Encyclopedia 2: Lore Book & Toolbox Kickstarter
- Spending a Whole Day Preparing a D&D Game
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:

Friday Feb 10, 2023
Scarlet Citadel Session 14 – Lazy GM Prep
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 01:09 D&D & RPG News: Pathfinder 2 Humble Bundles
- 02:56 D&D & RPG News: Kobold Press Worlds Humble Bundle
- 04:21 Commentary: What's Normal in the Post OGL Fiasco RPG Hobby?
- 15:56 D&D & RPG News: Keys from the Golden Vault Free Adventure
- 18:02 Product Spotlight: Raiders of the Serpent Sea by Arcanum Worlds
- 24:23 Kickstarter Spotlight: Kibbles Compendium of Legends and Legacies
- 30:07 Patreon Question: Lazy Encounter Benchmark for Solo and Legendary Monsters
- 35:18 Patreon Question: Players Making Choices Against a Chracter's Alignment
- 38:33 Patreon Question: Converting Monsters Across RPG Systems? Reskin!
- 41:03 Patreon Question: Worried About Making Mistakes with Big Published Adventures
- 45:40 Patreon Question: Free to Use Dungeons of Fate?
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- Pathfinder 2 Humble Bundle
- Kobold Press and Friends Worlds Humble Bundle
- Keys from the Golden Vault Prisoner 13 Free D&D Beyond Adventure
- Raiders of the Serpent Sea
- Kibbles Compendium of Legends and Legacies Kickstarter
- Lazy Encounter Benchmark
- A5e Monstrous Menagerie
- Reskinning Monsters
- Dungeons of Fate

Friday Feb 03, 2023
Scarlet Citadel Session 13 – Lazy GM Prep
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 01:13 D&D & RPG News: WOTC Releases 5e Into the Creative Commons
- 11:15 Commentary: What Does Trust Mean with Wizards of the Coast?
- 27:50 Sly Flourish News: Lazy RPG Podcast Awarded Best Talk Show Podcast by EN World
- 30:01 Kickstarter Spotlight: Oracle Character Generator Deck by Nord Games
- 34:41 Product Spotlight: Zobeck Clockwork City by Kobold Press
- 40:00 Patreon Question: Running Rich and Dynamic Combat Encounters
- 47:22 Patreon Question: Not Exposing a Movie-Based Adventure Plot
- 49:19 Patreon Question: Building a Villain or Monster from a PC
- 51:06 Patreon Question: How Many Rounds Should Encounters Go?
- 52:19 Patreon Question: Other RPGs I'm Running This Year?
- 53:16 Patreon Question: Finishing Writing One-Shot Adventures
- 57:11 Patreon Question: Balancing the Action Economy with Big Solo Monsters
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- WOTC Releases the 5e SRD to the Creative Commons
- Download the 5e SRD under a Creative Commons Right Now
- Morrus's Unofficial Tabletop Podcast
- Mastering Dungeons Podcast
- Oracle Character Generator Deck Kickstarter by Nord Games
- Zobeck Clockwork City by Kobold Press

Friday Jan 27, 2023
Scarlet Citadel Session 12 – Lazy GM Prep
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
D&D news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 01:32 D&D & RPG News: OGL 1.2 Feedback and Suggestions
- 11:33 D&D & RPG News: The Industry Responds to the attempted OGL 1.0a Deauthorization
- 17:37 Commentary: Rebranding the Lazy RPG Talk Show
- 18:40 Commentary: I'm Here For You Whatever RPG You Play
- 21:47 DM Tip: Curing the OGL Blues
- 23:41 Kickstarter Spotlight: Deep Magic 2
- 26:27 D&D & RPG News: Two Huge Bundles of Holding and Humble Bundles
- 29:04 Patreon Question: Keeping Your Games on Track
- 32:51 Patreon Question: Running Games for Seven Players
- 35:41 Patreon Question: Introducing Lots of NPCs at Once
- 37:48 Patreon Question: Fueling Creativity
- 44:12 Patreon Question: Identifying Relics and Single-Use Magic Items
- 46:29 Patreon Question: Improving Representation in Older Material
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- WOTC OGL 1.2 "Playtest"
- WOTC's OGL 1.2 PDF (CC and OGL)
- Feedback to WOTC on the OGL 1.2 Draft
- Project Black Flag Update: Sticking To Our Principles
- The ORC license
- MCDM Rebranding Arcadia
- Deep Magic 2 Kickstarter
- RPG Worlds with Kobold Press and Friends Humble Bundle
- Bundle of Holding Alternatives to D&D
- Ancestries and Culture

Friday Jan 20, 2023
Scarlet Citadel Session 11 – Lazy DM Prep
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday Jan 16, 2023
WOTC, the OGL and Us – and Ten RPGs that Aren’t D&D
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Mike talks about the OGL fiasco and offers up ten awesome RPGs that aren't D&D.
- 00:00 Show Intro
- 01:09 This Matters to All Of Us
- 03:35 WOTC's Excuses Hold No Water At All
- 07:53 What's Happening Now
- 08:45 We Can Never Trust WOTC Again
- 09:58 What Can We Do About This?
- 12:37 Ten Awesome RPGs that Aren't D&D
- 13:19 13th Age
- 15:56 Blades in the Dark
- 17:31 Fantasy Age
- 19:01 The Non-OGL Fantasy Bundle of Holding
- 19:38 Fate Condensed
- 21:41 Index Card RPG
- 23:44 Ironsworn
- 25:26 Level Up Advanced 5e
- 26:49 Numenera
- 28:59 Old School Essentials
- 30:55 Shadow of the Demon Lord
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- WOTC Attempts to Deauthorize the OGL 1.0a — Thoughts on the OGL 2.0
- You, Me, and the D&D Open Gaming License
- Dungeons & Dragons’ New License Tightens Its Grip on Competition
- 13th Age
- 13th Age Bundle of Holding
- Blades in the Dark
- Blades the Dark SRD
- Fantasy Age
- The Non-OGL Bundle of Holding
- Fate Condensed
- Fate Condensed SRD
- Index Card RPG
- Ironsworn
- Level Up Advanced 5e
- Numenera
- Old School Essentials
- OSE Basic Rules
- Shadow of the Demon Lord

Friday Jan 06, 2023
Final December 2022 Patreon Q&A – Lazy D&D Talk Show #dnd #lazydm
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Mike covers the remaining Sly Flourish Patreon questions for December 2022!
- 00:00 Show Start
- 00:48 Patreon Question: Replacing or Houserulling 5e Mechanics and Favorite Houserules
- 06:17 Patreon Question: Dealing with Followers from a Rod of Rulership
- 08:30 Patreon Question: Offering Multiple Paths with Diviniation
- 10:38 Patreon Question: Handling NPCs with the Lazy Encounter Benchmark
- 13:53 Patreon Question: Offering Options when Captured
- 15:54 Patreon Question: Learning a New RPG With Your Players
- 17:38 Patreon Question: Trouble Committing to Deadly Attacks
- 20:21 Patreon Question: Making D&D Deadlier
- 22:25 Patreon Question: Alternative Patrons like Koblold Press's Warlock
- 24:31 Patreon Question: Making Undead Monster Variants
- 27:41 Patreon Question: Dungeon 23

Monday Dec 26, 2022
Monday Dec 26, 2022
D&D news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 01:13 D&D & RPG News: 13th Age Bundle of Holding
- 05:28 Commentary: How to Skip Content you Don't Want to Hear
- 06:52 Commentary: The WOTC OGL 1.1 Announcement
- 28:54 Product Spotlight: Alternate Objectives by Sneak AttackPress
- 33:14 Commentary: Favorite Product of 2022
- 37:27 Patreon Question: Connecting Published Adventures
- 41:12 Patreon Question: When to Use Which Dials of Monster Difficulty
- 46:10 Patreon Question: Thoughts on Owlbear Rodeo 2.0
- 50:35 Patreon Question: Making Failure Interesting with Ability Checks
- 53:58 Patreon Question: Performing Mid-Campaign Check-Ins
- 56:33 Patreon Question: Revealing a Pointcrawl Map
- 59:11 Patreon Question: Using AI Generators like Chat GPT and Midjourney
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- 13th Age Bundle of Holding
- OGLs, SRDs, & One D&D – Wizards of the Coast on D&D Beyond, 21 Dec 2022
- Thoughts on the OGL 1.1 – MikeShea.net
- OGL 1.0a FAQ answered by Wizards of the Coast
- The OGL 1.0a and 5e System Resource Document version 5.1 (see if this link goes bad!)
- Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie by Paul Hughes
- Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie Video Spotlight
- Dials of Monster Difficulty
- Owlbear Rodel 2.0
- Our Ability Check Toolbox
- Pointcrawls for City and Overland Travel

Friday Dec 23, 2022
Scarlet Citadel Session 10 – Lazy DM Prep
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
D&D news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00:00 Show Start
- 00:01:03 DM Tip: Rolling Lots of Checks with a Single D20
- 00:10:51 Product Spotlight: Chronicles of Eberron
- 00:26:28 Commentary: How I Baseline D&D Monsters
- 00:34:00 Commentary: Designing MCDM's Flee Mortals Vampires
- 00:51:31 Patreon Question: What Are My DM Weaknesses?
- 00:54:38 Patreon Question: Handling Pacing in D&D Games
- 00:57:08 Patreon Question: Describing Old School Essentials to 5e Players
- 01:01:24 Patreon Question: Handling Large Exposition and Descriptions

Friday Dec 16, 2022
Scarlet Citadel Session 9 – Lazy DM Prep
Friday Dec 16, 2022
Friday Dec 16, 2022
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
D&D news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 00:55 Kickstarter Spotlight: Tome of Beasts 3 Monster Cards by Inkwell Ideas
- 04:05 D&D & RPG News: Blades in the Dark Bundle of Holding
- 05:34 D&D & RPG News: Free Monstrous Compendium 2: Dragonlance
- 27:37 Product Spotlight: Arcadia 22 Heroic Champions
- 36:37 Product Spotlight: GMs Miscellany Dungeon Dressing for 5e
- 45:07 Commentary: AI for DM Inspiration
- 48:18 Patreon Question: Tips for Running 20th Level One-Shot Games
- 52:04 Patreon Question: Campaign Hooks for West Marches Style Games
- 55:54 Patreon Question: Running Hordes and Minions
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- Tome of Beasts 3 Monster Cards Kickstarter
- Blades in the Dark Bundle of Holding
- Monstrous Compendium Volume 2: Dragonlance Creatures
- MCDM Arcadia Patreon
- Arcadia Issue 22
- GM Miscellany Dungeon Dressing for 5e
- Running Hordes

Friday Dec 09, 2022
Scarlet Citadel Session 8 – Lazy DM Prep
Friday Dec 09, 2022
Friday Dec 09, 2022
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday Dec 05, 2022
Monday Dec 05, 2022
D&D news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 00:59 D&D & RPG News: One D&D Species and Cleric Playtest Packet.
- 07:07 Commentary: One D&D and Backward Compatibility
- 16:41 Commentary: One D&D Species and Cleric Playtest Thoughts
- 30:01 Product Spotlight: Tome of Beasts 3 by Kobold Press
- 42:56 D&D & RPG News: Kobold Press Adventure Calendar
- 43:47 Patreon Question: Droctor Who style Talk, Move, Do Fight in D&D Combat
- 46:45 Patreon Question: Speeding Up Dungeon Exploration from Dungeon-Crawling Players

Friday Dec 02, 2022
Empire of the Ghouls Chapter 2 Tips and DM Prep
Friday Dec 02, 2022
Friday Dec 02, 2022
Mike offers tips for chapter 2 of Empire of the Ghouls!

Monday Nov 28, 2022
Monday Nov 28, 2022
D&D news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00:00 Show Start
- 00:00:58 Sly Flourish News: Leaving Twitter for Mastodon
- 00:07:01 D&D & RPG News: Chronicles of Eberron by Keith Baker
- 00:08:23 Product Spotlight: Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen
- 00:41:17 D&D & RPG News: WOTC's Non-Answer About a One D&D SRD
- 00:45:26 Product Spotlight: Tomb of the Twilight Queen
- 00:50:17 Patreon Question: Incorporating Random Encounters
- 00:54:35 Patreon Question: Running Pointcrawls with Flying Characters
- 00:57:48 Patreon Question: Supporting Players Who Roll Poorly
- 01:03:00 Patreon Question: Making Friends from Online D&D Games
- 01:08:30 Patreon Question: Favorite Cult and Why Cults?
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- Sly Flourish on Mastodon
- D&D Tip Tweet Archive
- Keith Baker Presents: Chronicles of Eberron
- Statement on OGL from WotC
- Morrus’ Unofficial Tabletop RPG Talk #228: The Open Gaming License and One D&D
- Tomb of the Twilight Queen
- Playing D&D Can Save Your Life

Friday Nov 25, 2022
Scarlet Citadel Session 7 – Lazy DM Prep
Friday Nov 25, 2022
Friday Nov 25, 2022
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday Nov 21, 2022
Monday Nov 21, 2022
D&D news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 00:49 D&D & RPG News: Level Up Advanced 5e on Bundle of Holding
- 02:13 D&D & RPG News: Justin Alexander on Pointcrawls
- 03:56 D&D & RPG News: Morrus on One D&D and the Open Gaming License
- 08:57 D&D & RPG News: Dragon+ Goes Offline
- 14:04 D&D & RPG News: Is Takhisis Tiamat? Who Gets to Decide?
- 20:47 Patreon Question: Using Side Initiative
- 23:02 Patreon Question: Reading an Entire Campaign Adventure
- 24:37 Patreon Question: Making a Campaign World Feel Alive
- 26:56 Patreon Question: Curing Lycanthrope with a Wererat PC
- 29:52 Patreon Question: Focusing Over-Preparing
- 32:54 Patreon Question: Non-Lethal Attack Options
- 36:36 Patreon Question: Making NPCs Stand Out in Online Games
- 38:08 Patreon Question: Player-Driven Character Motivations
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- Level Up Advanced 5e Bundle of Holding
- Justin Alexander on Pointcrawls Part 1
- Justin Alexander on Pointcrawls Part 2
- Morrus on One D&D and the OGL
- Dragon+ Archive
- WotC Officially Confirms Takhisis and Tiamat Are The Same

Friday Nov 18, 2022
Scarlet Citadel Session 6 – Lazy DM Prep
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday Nov 14, 2022
Monday Nov 14, 2022
D&D news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
- 00:00 Show Start
- 00:59 Sly Flourish News: November Patreon Rewards
- 10:56 D&D & RPG News: WOTC's New Inclusivity Review
- 14:57 DM Tip: Jaquays-Style Design for Dungeon and Overland Travel
- 34:18 Patreon Question: Keeping Villains Alive in Combat
- 37:19 Patreon Question: Using Paper Notes for In-Person Games
- 40:19 Patreon Question: Mourning the End of a Campaign
- 42:05 Patreon Question: Deciding on a Campaign to Run
- 44:16 Patreon Question: Using Time Flies Rules from the Midgard Worldbook
- 46:35 Patreon Question: Tips for Promoting Paper Character Sheets with Players
- 48:58 Patreon Question: Scaling Up Monsters and their Stories to 11th level
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- Leveling Up Our Creative Process: Learnings From Spelljammer
- Jennell Jaquays Wikipedia Page
- Pointcrawls for Cities and Overland Travel in D&D
- Run Pointcrawls for Overland Travel in D&D Video
- Hills Canton blog on Point Crawls
- Jaquaying the Dungeon by Justin Alexander
- Fantastic Lairs

Friday Nov 11, 2022
Scarlet Citadel Session 5 – Lazy DM Prep
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday Nov 07, 2022
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 00:00 Show Start
- 00:46 D&D & RPG News: Mastering Dungeons Goes Independent
- 02:39 D&D & RPG News: D&D on ESPN??
- 04:42 Kickstarter Spotlight: Heretics Guide to Devotion and Divinity
- 08:48 Kickstarter Spotlight: Ultimate Guide to Foraging, Harvesting, and Natural Discovery
- 16:41 Patreon Question: Managing Pacing with Heavy Roleplay Scenes
- 18:50 Patreon Question: Does Writing Help You Become a Better DM? No.
- 23:50 Patreon Question: Players Coordinating Leveling Up
- 25:51 Patreon Question: Magic Items for Higher-Level Pregen Characters
- 28:27 Patreon Question: Feelings on Boxed and Read-Aloud Text
- 31:41 Patreon Question: Heroes and Anti-Villains
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- Mastering Dungeons Goes Independent
- Mastering Dungeons Podcast Feed
- Mastering Dungeons on YouTube
- D&D on ESPN
- Heretics Guide to Devotion and Divinity Kickstarter
- Ultimate Guide to Foraging, Harvesting & Natural Discovery Kickstarter
- Ironsworn
- Paths of DM Expertise
- Describe D&D Character Abilities on Leveling Up
- Thinking Through the Eyes of our Villains

Friday Nov 04, 2022
Scarlet Citadel Session 4 – Lazy DM Prep
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 00:00 Show Start
- 00:51 D&D & RPG News: Free MCDM RPG Safety Toolkit
- 02:43 Kickstarter Spotlight: The Gloaming Wild 5e Survival Horror
- 08:06 Commentary: Running Ravenloft 2022 with Level Up 5e Vampires
- 17:11 Patreon Question: Keeping Big Battles from Being Boring
- 19:17 Patreon Question: What Other RPGs Do You Recommend?
- 21:44 Patreon Question: Filling In the Gaps During the Game
- 24:17 Patreon Question: Faction Ideas from Blades in the Dark
- 26:51 Patreon Question: Targeting Loot for the Characters
- 29:23 Patreon Question: Better Level Draining and Exhaustion for Vampires and
- 32:12 Patreon Question: What to Get for Staring Out with Numenera
- 32:59 Patreon Question: Comparing Midgard to the Forgotten Realms
- 37:51 Patreon Question: Including Every Character's Story Arc
- 40:24 Patreon Question: Showcasing High-Level Abilities
- 43:01 Patreon Question: Building Open World D&D Games
- 45:23 Patreon Question: Building Problems Without Solutions
- 46:58 Patreon Question: How Many Encounters Before a Long Rest?
- 51:12 Patreon Question: Offering Headquarters and Lair Upgrades to the Characters
- 53:05 Patreon Question: Secrets in Clues for Dungeon Crawls and Combat-Focused Games
- MCDM RPG Safety Toolkit
- TTRPG Safety Toolkit by Kienna Shaw and Lauren Bryant-Monk
- Monte Cook Games Consent in Gaming
- Gloaming Wild 5e Survival Horror Kickstarter
- Running Ravenloft in a Single Session Halloween Game YouTube Video
- Blog Article on Running Ravenloft / Curse of Strahd in a Single Session:
- Set Up Castle Ravenloft in Owlbear Rodeo in 10 Minutes
- The Dials of Monster Difficulty
- Fate Condensed
- Thirteenth Age
- Shadow of the Demon Lord
- Blades in the Dark
- Numenera Discovery
- Types of Secrets
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:

Friday Oct 28, 2022
Scarlet Citadel Session 3 – Lazy DM Prep
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Running Dragons of Stormwreck Isle – Tips for New D&D DMs
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Mike offers tips, tricks, and advice for running the D&D Starter Set adventure, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle!
- 00:00 Video Start
- 00:13 Who This Video is For
- 00:54 Top Tips for Running Stormwreck Isle
- 01:28 Tip 1: Keep your Hands on the Dials of Combat
- 02:02 Tip 2: Dive Deep into the Lore
- 03:25 Tip 3: Remember Runara's Failsafe
- 04:33 Read the Pregen Character Background Ties to the Adventure
- 05:08 Read the DM Tips in the Adventure Book
- 05:49 Running Stormwreck Isle Online
- 06:33 Tools for Playing Stormwreck in Person
- 07:15 Tips for Chapter 1 - Dragon's Rest
- 08:08 Choose How to Run Combat
- 09:06 Handling Undead Fortitude
- 09:55 Manage the NPCs of Dragon's Rest
- 11:21 Combining Additional Encounters
- 12:39 Tips for Chapter 2 - Seagrow Caves
- 14:30 Tips for Chapter 3 - The Cursed Shipwreck
- 15:30 Tips for Chapter 4 - The Clifftop Observatory
- 16:58 Follow-on Adventures
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books
- Stars Over Stormwreck (Affiliate link)
- Buy the D&D Starter Set on Amazon (affiliate link)
- D&D Starter Set Pregen Characters
- D&D Starter Set Sample Encounter
- Top Tips for New D&D DMs
- Dials of Monster Difficulty
- Lazy DM Tools
- Love Letter to the Pathfinder Flip Mat
- Dragon of Stormwreck Isle on Roll20
- Dragon of Stormwreck Isle on D&D Beyond
- Dragon of Stormwreck Isle on Fantasy Grounds
- Above VTT for D&D Beyond
- Owlbear Rodeo VTT
- Playing D&D Over Discord
- Experiences Playing D&D Online
- Guidelines for Theater of the Mind Combat
- Zipperon Disney's $20 Accessories for Stormwreck

Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
D&D News, Kickstarter spotlights, D&D product reviews, dungeon master tips, D&D questions and answers!
- 00:00 Show Start
- 01:04 Kickstarter Spotlight: Under the Harvest Moons
- 09:15 Product Spotlight: Venture Maidens Campaign Guide
- 25:27 Commentary: D&D Lead Designer Ray Winninger Leaves Wizards of the Coast
- 31:43 D&D & RPG News: One D&D Expert Playtest Feedback Survey
- 38:32 Commentary: One D&D Ideas We Can Use Right Now
- 44:32 Patreon Question: Using NPCs as Assets in D&D Games
- 47:30 Patreon Question: Using 5e Rules with Numenera's Ninth World
- 49:53 Patreon Question: Props, Decorations, Accessories, and Themes in your D&D Games
- 52:59 Patreon Question: Filling Out Big Climactic Boss Battles
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- Under the Harvest Moons
- Venture Maidens Campaign Guide
- Ray Winninger Leaves Wizards of the Coast Twitter Thread
- One D&D Expert Class Survey
- Mastering Dungeons on One D&D Feats Podcast
- Playing D&D can Save Your Life
- Making Great Handouts for D&D
- Collected Experiences Running D&D 5e Boss Fights