
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
D&D News, Kickstarter spotlights, D&D product reviews, dungeon master tips, D&D questions and answers!
- 00:00 Show Start
- 01:04 Kickstarter Spotlight: Under the Harvest Moons
- 09:15 Product Spotlight: Venture Maidens Campaign Guide
- 25:27 Commentary: D&D Lead Designer Ray Winninger Leaves Wizards of the Coast
- 31:43 D&D & RPG News: One D&D Expert Playtest Feedback Survey
- 38:32 Commentary: One D&D Ideas We Can Use Right Now
- 44:32 Patreon Question: Using NPCs as Assets in D&D Games
- 47:30 Patreon Question: Using 5e Rules with Numenera's Ninth World
- 49:53 Patreon Question: Props, Decorations, Accessories, and Themes in your D&D Games
- 52:59 Patreon Question: Filling Out Big Climactic Boss Battles
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- Under the Harvest Moons
- Venture Maidens Campaign Guide
- Ray Winninger Leaves Wizards of the Coast Twitter Thread
- One D&D Expert Class Survey
- Mastering Dungeons on One D&D Feats Podcast
- Playing D&D can Save Your Life
- Making Great Handouts for D&D
- Collected Experiences Running D&D 5e Boss Fights

Friday Oct 21, 2022
Scarlet Citadel Session 2 – Lazy DM Prep
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 00:53 Sly Flourish News: New Patreon Adventure - The Silver Grotto
- 04:41 D&D & RPG News: Midgard Sale - 30% Off
- 07:02 Kickstarter Spotlight: Apocalypse - The Complete Guide to Ending the World
- 09:05 Kickstarter Spotlight: Torrents of the Spellhoarder
- 13:17 Commentary: Elder Brain 5e Survey
- 24:45 Commentary: Experiences Running Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
- 29:46 Patreon Question: Differences Between DMs and Players and Tips for DMs Becoming Players
- 35:07 Patreon Question: Adventure for New Local Game Shop Group
- 37:09 Patreon Question: Modifying Published Adventures with a Different Map
- 39:16 Patreon Question: Injecting Horror into our Adventures
- 42:11 Patreon Question: Pontification on RPGs Moving Towards Digital
- 49:09 Patreon Question: Warlock Patreon of Evil God?
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- Midgard Sale on Kobold Press
- Midgard Worldbook
- Southlands
- Scarlet Citadel
- Apocalypse - The Complete Guide to Ending the World Kickstarter
- Torrents of the Spellhoarder Kickstarter
- Elder Brain Crown of the Oathbreaker Survey
- Elder Brain Spellhoarder Survey
- Ten Candles
- Dread

Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Scarlet Citadel Session 1– Lazy DM Prep
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Mike prepares for his weekly Scarlet Citadel game!

Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 00:00 Show Start
- 01:04 Sly Flourish News: Stars Over Stormwreck Released on the DM's Guild
- 01:42 Product Spotlight: Dread Thingonomicon by Raging Swan Press
- 10:46 Kickstarter Spotlight: Grimoire of the Grave by 2C Gaming
- 15:56 Sly Flourish News: Dungeoncraft Review of the Lazy DM's Workbook and Lazy DM's Companion
- 16:49 D&D & RPG News: New Senior Vice President of D&D
- 26:37 Commentary: Keeping D&D Resilient for Us and our Groups
- 32:30 D&D & RPG News: Other Commentaries on the One D&D Experts Playtest
- 33:56 D&D & RPG News: D&D Lego Contest
- 36:48 Patreon Question: New Lazy Combat Encounter Benchmark for One D&D?
- 39:11 Patreon Question: How to Destroy Artifacts
- 41:27 Patreon Question: Managing Dungeon Crawling and Offering Useful Options
- 44:02 Patreon Question: Good Material from Older Editions
- 47:37 Patreon Question: Changing Character Personalities with Magic Items
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- Stars Over Stormwreck
- Dread Thingonomicon
- Raging Swan press
- Grimoire of the Grave
- Dungeoncraft Review of the Lazy DM's Workbook and Companion
- D&D Senior Vice President Press Release
- Mastering Dungeons on One D&D Expert Playtest
- Eldritch Lorecast (with yours truly) on the One D&D Expert Playtest
- DM David on One D&D Expert Playtest
- D&D Lego Contest
- i6 Ravenloft
- 1st Edition Dungeon Master's Guide
- 4th Edition Dungeon Delves

Friday Oct 07, 2022
Scarlet Citadel Session Zero - Lazy D&D Prep
Friday Oct 07, 2022
Friday Oct 07, 2022
Mike prepares for his session zero of his Scarlet Citadel D&D Campaign by Kobold Press.
- Visit the Sly Flourish Blog
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books
- Buy Scarlet Citadel (affiliate link)
- Scarlet Citadel Notion Notebook
- Scarlet Citadel One-Page Campaign Guide
- Richard Green's Scarlet Citadel Campaign Blog
- Midgard Interactive Map

Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Numenera Campaign Finale – Tips, Final Thoughts, Player Feedback
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Mike talks about his campaign finale for his Numenera Fourth Emperor Campaign, offers tips for D&D DMs and those interested in running Numenera, and discusses feedback from his players!

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Final September 2022 Patreon Q&A – Lazy D&D Talk Show
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Mike covers the remaining Patreon questions for September 2022!

Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 00:00:00 Show Start
- 00:01:23 D&D & RPG News: Free Drowned Sailors Encounter from WOTC
- 00:02:24 Sly Flourish News: Stars Over Stormwreck Adventure Coming This Week!
- 00:11:11 Commentary: The One D&D Experts Playtest
- 00:40:14 Commentary: Dungeoncraft on Why D&D Editions Don't Matter
- 00:45:07 RPG Industry Tip: Teos Abadia on Freelance Rates
- 00:48:34 Patreon Question: Your Thoughts and Plans for Patreon
- 00:52:27 Patreon Question: Practical Jokes with Tiny Hut
- 00:54:10 Patreon Question: Experienced Player Tips for Inexperienced DMs
- 00:56:22 Patreon Question: The Three Most Useful Third-Party Products
- 00:58:28 Patreon Question: What's In Front Of You When You DM?
- 01:00:50 Patreon Question: How Do You Choose and Run Lots of Campaigns?
- 01:03:11 Patreon Question: Helping New Players Avoid Bad Choices
- 01:05:40 Patreon Question: Charismatic Players with Non-Charismatic Characters
- 01:06:48 Patreon Question: How to Get Value from Purchased RPG Material
- 01:09:19 Patreon Question: Is a Focused Campaign Railroading?
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- What Is D&D?
- How to DM
- Drowned Sailors Encounter
- One D&D Experts Playtest
- Dungeoncraft – Editions Don't Matter
- The Horrid Truth About Freelance Pay (Ep3, Success in RPGs)
- Ptolus - City by the Spire
- Dread Thingonomicon
- Midgard Worldbook

Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Numenera Session 27 – Lazy GM Prep
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Mike prepares to run the finale of his Numenera campaign!

Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 00:00 Show Start
- 00:47 D&D & RPG News: WOTC D&D After-School Program
- 03:01 Commentary: Good Digital Tools for WOTC + Third Party Product Use
- 22:50 DM Tip: Sharing Third Party PDFs With Your Players
- 29:52 Patreon Question: Running Wild Beyond the Witchlight for Tier 2 Characters
- 35:30 Patreon Question: When Is It Appropriate To Hit Downed PCs?
- 39:15 Patreon Question: Advice I Regret from Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master
- 43:15 Patreon Question: Dealing With Player Optimizing Away From Fun
- 47:43 Patreon Question: Why Do NPCs Not Use Character Classes?
- 52:04 Patreon Question: Is 5e Too Complex?

Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Numenera Session 26 – Lazy GM Prep
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Mike prepares to run his next session of his Numenera campaign!

Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 00:00 Show Start
- 00:46 Product Spotlight: Amazing Encounters and Places by CZRPG
- 10:04 Kickstarter Spotlight: Apocalypse Keys by Evil Hat Games
- 16:23 Commentary: D&D Beyond, Limiting Character Options, and Third Party Products
- 43:30 Sly Flourish News: The Sly Flourish Stream Bingo Card
- 44:57 Patreon Question: Running the Same Campaign for Multiple Groups
- 47:01 Patreon Question: D&D Plots and Inspiration from Westerns
- 50:32 Patreon Question: Conflicting Secrets and Clues? No Thanks!
- 52:34 Patreon Question: Describing Your DM Style to New Players
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- Amazing Encounters and Places PDF
- Amazing Encounters and Places Map Pack
- Amazing Encounters and Places PDF / Map Pack Combo
- Apocalypse Keys Kickstarter by Evil Hat
- The Sly Flourish Streaming Show Bingo Card

Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Running Empire of the Ghouls – D&D Campaign Intro and Chapter1
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Mike talks about preparing and running his Empire of the Ghouls campaign.
Video Contents
- 00:00 Show Start
- 02:04 One-Page Campaign Guide
- 15:51 The Characters of My Campaign
- 19:08 Empire of the Ghouls as a Tour of Midgard
- 20:04 Using All the Kobold Press Books
- 24:26 Tome of Heroes and the Midgard Heroes Handbook
- 25:52 Sharing Books using Roll 20's Compendium
- 29:08 Other Kobold Press Books I'm Using
- 31:32 Running and Modifying Chapter 1

Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 00:00 Show Start
- 00:52 Kickstarter Spotlight: Wastes of Chaos by Kobold Press
- 05:41 Sly Flourish News: New Lazy D&D Talk Show Topic Database for Patrons
- 10:01 Kickstarter Spotlight: Anatomy of an Adventure by MT Black
- 13:11 Product Spotlight: Path of the Planebreaker by Monte CookGames
- 45:44 Patreon Question: Dealing with Secret Truths of a Campaign World
- 48:04 Patreon Question: AI-generated Art and the Lazy DM

Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Numenera Session 25 Part 2 – Lazy GM Prep
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Mike prepares to run his next session of his Numenera campaign!

Monday Sep 05, 2022
Monday Sep 05, 2022
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 00:00 Show Start
- 01:08 D&D & RPG News: One D&D Origins Playtest Survey
- 02:25 D&D & RPG News: Mastering Dungeons on the Origins One D&D Playtest
- 03:09 Patreon Update: World of Dead Temples and Secrets of Summervine Villa
- 07:49 D&D & RPG News: Spelljammer Errata
- 16:04 Kickstarter Spotlight: Dungeon Delver's Guide
- 20:31 Product Spotlight: Planegea
- 30:47 Commentary: I don't Review Third Party Products I Don't Like
- 36:05 Commentary: 5e Isn't 5e Compatible - We're On Our Own
- 46:23 Patreon Question: Strongest Criticism of Lazy DM Advice
- 48:59 Patreon Question: Adding a New Player Mid Campaign
- 51:00 Patreon Question: Spelljammer for New Players
- 52:50 Patreon Question: Adventure Anthologies and Heists
- 54:48 Patreon Question: Awarding Gold with the Lazy DM's Companion
- 58:03 Patreon Question: Tips for Reaching a Satisfying Campaign Conclusion
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- One D&D Playtest and Survey
- Mastering Dungeons on the One D&D Playtest
- WOTC Spelljammer Apology and Errata
- Dungeon Delver's Guide Kickstarter
- Planegea
- Reddit Thread on Backgrounds and Feat Mismatch
- Poll on Satisfying Conclusions for D&D Campaigns

Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Numenera Session 25 Part 1 – Lazy GM Prep
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Mike prepares to run his next session of his Numenera campaign!

Monday Aug 29, 2022
Monday Aug 29, 2022
Mike talks about all things D&D! This week a Spelljammer deep dive!
- 00:00 Show Start
- 00:51 D&D News: WOTC Offering Refunds for Dragonlance Pre-Orders
- 02:40 Kickstarter Spotlight: Horror at Devil's Run
- 05:32 Kickstarter Spotlight: Sebastian Crowe's Guide to Drakkenheim
- 07:30 Product Spotlight: Spelljammer - Adventure's In Space Boxed Set
- 09:11 Astral Adventurer's Guide - Spelljammer Character Options
- 14:35 Limited (No) Ship-to-Ship Combat Rules
- 17:19 Light of Xaryxis - the Spelljammer Adventure
- 20:17 Spelljammer DMScreen
- 21:07 Boo's Astral Menagerie - Spelljammer Monsters
- 31:55 Amazing Production Quality
- 33:01 No DM Tools to Build Spelljammer Adventures
- 37:31 Not Compatible with Spelljammer Academy
- 39:54 Spelljammer Doesn't Help DMs Run Games
- 40:45 Should You Buy It?
- 41:40 Patreon Question: Is Witchlight Still Great Without Dreadful Incursions?
- 43:33 Patreon Question: How Well Does Numenera's Stat Point Spend and Roll Negotiation Work?
- 46:53 Patreon Question: How Much Character Background for New Players?
- 49:05 Patreon Question: Making a Dungeon Feel Like a Megadungeon
- 51:20 Patreon Question: Actionable and Relevant Secrets and Clues
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- Wizards of the Coast D&D Customer Service Form
- Horror at Devil's Run Kickstarter
- Sebastian Crowe's Guide to Drakkenheim Kickstarter
- Spelljammer Adventures in Space Boxed Set (Amazon Affiliate Link)
- Add Dreadful Incursions to Wild Beyond the Witchlight
- Alphastream on Actionable Lore

Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Numenera Session 24 – Lazy GM Prep
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Mike prepares to run his next session of his Numenera campaign!

Monday Aug 22, 2022
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 00:00 Show Start
- 00:58 The One D&D Announcement
- 02:45 One D&D and Backward Compatibility
- 04:25 Playtesting Experiences and Expectations
- 05:51 Providing Feedback
- 08:19 Looking at the First One D&D Playtest Document
- 08:53 Character Origins
- 13:25 On Power Increases
- 17:22 Changes to Fundamental Rules
- 18:10 A 20 Always Succeeds, a 1 Always Fails
- 20:24 Critical Hit Changes
- 23:50 Inspiration on a 20 - Should be a 1!!
- 25:51 Changes to Long Rests
- 26:45 One D&D 3D Virtual Tabletop Alpha screenshots
- 28:49 Does That Mean No 2d VTT in D&D Beyond?
- 29:53 Dragonlance - Wizards Took my $160 For Something I Don't Want and Won't Refund It
- 36:27 Five Other Books Announced for 2023
- 37:14 Phandelver Campaign - Eight Years Too Late
- 40:14 Book of Many Things
- 40:42 Planescape - Please Don't Make it a Boxed Set
- 43:57 Final Thoughts
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- One D&D Playtest
- One-Hour with Jeremy Crawford on Character Origins
- Ancestry and Culture in D&D
- D&D 3D Virtual Tabletop Shots

Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Numenera Session 23 – Lazy GM Prep
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Mike prepares to run his next session of his Numenera campaign!

Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 00:00 Show Start
- 00:52 D&D & RPG News: New 13th Age in 2023
- 07:51 DM Tip: A New D&D Ability Score Standard Array
- 15:50 Product Spotlight: Dungeons of Drakkenheim
- 30:25 Patreon Question: Distinct Racial Characteristics for NPCs
- 33:10 Patreon Question: Making Prophecies Come True Without Railroading
- 35:07 Patreon Question: Inspiration for City of Arches
- 37:51 Patreon Question: "Milestone" Event-Based Leveling Without Removing Player
- 41:13 Patreon Question: Running Zero Prep One-Hour Games
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- New 13th Age Escalation Edition in 2023
- Zipperon Disney: $20 for everything you need to run Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
- Dungeons of Drakkenheim
- Powerslave by Iron Maiden
- Ozymandias by Percy Shelley
- Running One-Hour D&D Games with Shawn Merwin

Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Numenera Deep Dive – Experiences and Tips for D&D DMs
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Mike dives deep into the Numenera RPG by Monte Cook Games with tips and tricks for Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Masters.
- 00:00 What This Video Gives To You
- 00:56 What Is Numenera?
- 05:04 Top Three Favorite Things about Numenera
- 09:19 Three Challenges Running Numenera
- 17:47 Numenera Buyer's Guide
- 27:49 Bringing Your D&D to Numenera and Vice Versa
- 33:11 Ideas from Numenera You Can Bring to D&D
- 40:33 Other Thoughts About Numenera
- 46:02 Final Thoughts on Numenera

Monday Aug 08, 2022
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 00:49 Sly Flourish News: Sly Flourish Wins Two ENNIES!
- 03:05 D&D and RPG News: Wizards Presents Announcements 18 August
- 05:16 D&D and RPG News: Final Spelljammer Academy Adventure
- 07:54 Dragons of Stormwreck Isle Character Sheet PDFs
- 09:23 Kickstarter Preview: Face Folio by M Blake
- 12:34 Commentary: Encounter Building by Dragna Carta
- 32:59 Patreon Question: Best Adventure for New Players
- 34:22 Patreon Question: Choosing Your Next Campaign With Your Players
- 36:56 Patreon Question: Building a Quest Board
- 39:23 Patreon Question: Not Enjoying Game Prep
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- 2022 ENNIE Awards
- Wizards Presents Announcements
- Spelljammer Academy
- Spelljammer on Amazon for 40% off (Affiliate Link)
- Dragons of Stormwreck Isle Pregenerated Characters
- Face Folio Kickstarter
- Encounter Building on Dragna's Den
- D&D Combat Simulator
- Challenge Ratings 2.0

Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Numenera Session 22 Part 2 – Lazy GM Prep
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Mike prepares to run his next session of his Numenera campaign!

Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wild Beyond the Witchlight Chapter 4 and 5
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Mike offers tips and tricks for running chapters 4 and 5 of Wild Beyond the Witchlight!
- 00:00 Show Intro
- 00:51 Recommendation 1: Consider Dreadful Incursions
- 02:02 Recommendation 2: You Don't Have to Run All the NPCs
- 03:41 Recommendation 3: You Don't Have to Run Every Location or Encounter
- 04:16 Recommendation 4: Run Hag Lairs as Big Situations
- 05:09 Recommendation 5: You Can Ignore Valor's Call and the League of Malevolence
- 05:47 Recommendation 6: You Don't Have to Run All of the Palace of Heart's Desire
- 06:44 Recommendation 7: Add a Dark Lord Villain If Desired
- 07:43 Overall Campaign Thoughts Thus Far
- 08:41 Witchlight Chapter 4 - Yon Deep Dive
- 18:14 Motherhorn
- 19:52 Witchlight Chapter 5 - The Palace of Hearts Desire
- 21:27 The Final Battle
- 22:52 Saving Zybilna
- 24:15 One Year Later...

Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 00:00 Show Start
- 00:45 Product Spotlight: D&D Starter Set Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
- 18:03 Sly Flourish News:The Sly Flourish Bookstore is Open!
- 21:47 D&D News: DM David On Monster Roles
- 24:26 D&D News: ENWorld's Review of Radiant Citadel
- 25:16 Patreon Question: Banning and Limiting Material In Your Game
- 31:17 Patreon Question: Dealing with Tag-Along NPCs
- 32:13 Patreon Question: How Many Monster Types in a Battle?
- 33:18 Patreon Question: Players Catching On to Film Homage
- 34:37 Patreon Question: Stealing Ideas for Homebrew Campaign Setting
- 36:26 Patreon Question: Checklist for Building Situations
- 38:52 Patreon Question: Lazy Dungeon Mastering and the Quantum Ogreb
- 41:11 Patreon Question: Ranking Wild Beyond the Witchlight
- 42:14 Patreon Question: Dealing with Prisoners
- 44:53 Patreon Question: Pre-Gen Story Hooks for One-Shot Games

Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Numenera Session 22 – Lazy GM Prep
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Mike prepares to run his next session of his Numenera campaign!

Monday Jul 25, 2022
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 00:00 Show Start
- 01:28 Product Spotlight:Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel
- 13:34 D&D News: Wonders of the Multiverse Unearthed Arcana
- 17:43 Commentary: Adding Reactions to the Resolution Stack
- 26:53 D&D News: New Spelljammer Academy Adventure Released
- 30:46 D&D News: Teos Abadia's Spelljammer Dispatch on Roll20
- 31:12 D&D News: Ben Riggs's TSR D&D Sales Stats
- 39:30 Patreon Question: Running Multiple Games a Week
- 42:28 Patreon Question: Meaningful Choices in Adventure Designb
- 45:06 Patreon Question: Running Too Many Different RPGs
- 47:57 Patreon Question: Running Streaming, Live Play, or Actual Play Games
- 52:16 Patreon Question: Players Drawing Other Players Into the Spotlight
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Sly Flourish Books:
- Wonders of the Multiverse Playtest
- Spelljammer Academy on D&D Beyond
- Spelljammer Dispatch on Roll20
- Mastering Dungeons with Ben Riggs
- Slaying the Dragon: A Secret History of Dungeons & Dragons (Referral link)