
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Wild Beyond the Witchlight Session Zero Prep
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Mike prepares for his session zero of Wizards of the Coast hardcover adventure Wild Beyond the Witchlight! Video contents
- 00:00 Show Intro
- 01:09 How I feel about Wild Beyond the Witchlight
- 07:41 Running a Session Zero
- 12:15 Witchlight Campaign One-Pager
- 39:26 Reading and Absorbing Wild Beyond the Witchlight
- 44:04 Adding Dreadful Incursions for Combat Options in Witchlight
- 57:13 Prepping the First Session at the Witchlight Carnival
- Buy Wild Beyond the Witchlight on Amazon (affiliate link)
- Wild Beyond the Witchlight Notion Template
- Eventyr's Complete DM's Bundle for Wild Beyond the Witchlight (affiliate link)
- Using Notion.so for Lazy D&D Campaign Planning
- Buy Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon

Monday Jan 10, 2022
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 00:00 Show Intro
- 01:24 WOTC CEO Chris Cocks Promoted to Hasbro CEO
- 10:03 Kickstarter Spotlight: Limitless Heroics
- 14:53 Kickstarter Spotlight: Adventurer's Guide to the Bible
- 18:47 Kickstarter Spotlight: Nerdarchy's Mage Forge
- 20:33 Kickstarter Preview Spotlight: Tome of Beasts 3 by Kobold Press
- 22:31 Product Spotlight: What Crooked Roots
- 28:04 4e Skill Challenges vs. Blades Progress Clocks
- 34:52 Patreon Questions
- 35:27 Patreon Question: Keeping High Levels Challenging
- 41:00 Patreon Question: Sly Flourish Books on Roll 20?
- 44:44 Patreon Question: When Do You Give Out the One-Page Campaign Guide?
- 46:19 Patreon Question: Pre- and Post-Game Rituals
- 48:34 Patreon Question: Running Complicated Political Intrigue
- 51:12 This Isn't Gospel. I'm Just Sharing My Experiences
- 52:05 Patreon Question: Good 5-Page Product Types?
- 56:11 Patreon Question: Running RPGs for Kids?
- 57:55 Patreon Question: Good Downward Beats from Hamlet's Hit Points
- 59:25 Patreon Question: Scaling D&D for Three Characters
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master
- Kickstarter: Limitless Heroics
- Kickstarter: Adventurer's Guide to the Bible
- Kickstarter: Mage Forge
- Kickstarter: Tome of Beasts 3
- What Crooked Roots (affiliate link)
- Mike on Progress Clocks
- RPG Kids
- No Thank You Evil
- Honey Heist
- Hamlet's Hit Points

Friday Jan 07, 2022
Blades in the Dark Prep – Session 1
Friday Jan 07, 2022
Friday Jan 07, 2022
Mike prepares for his first full Blades in the Dark game.

Monday Jan 03, 2022
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Notable 3rd party D&D products of 2021 and Patreon Questions!
- 00:00 Show Intro
- 00:12 Mastering Dungeons for D&D News
- 01:14 Lazy DM Companion Art Previews
- 04:44 Notable 5e Third-Party Products in 2021
- 06:02 Arcadia by MCDM
- 08:54 The Book of Fiends by Robert Schwalb and Green Ronin
- 10:11 Complete Kobold's Guide to Monsters by Kobold Press
- 11:43 Iskandar by MT Black
- 12:32 Level Up Advanced 5e by EnWorld Publishing
- 14:08 Ptolus 5e by Monte Cook Games
- 16:12 Scarlet Citadel by Kobold Press
- 18:16 Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands by Raging Swan Press
- 19:22 Southlands by Kobold Press
- 20:19 Vault of Magic by Kobold Press
- 21:49 Where the Machines Wait by Monte Cook Games
- 24:56 Patreon Questions
- 25:22 Patreon Question: Epic and Meaningful Deaths
- 28:58 Patreon Question: Handling Petrification and Flight
- 30:40 Chamber of Secrets - Worst Harry Potter Movie
- 33:19 Patreon Question: Rolling Secret Rolls for Characters
- 35:29 Patreon Question: Organizing Digital Products
- 40:18 Patreon Question: Tying Hooks to Characters in Published Adventures
- 42:55 Patreon Question: Separating Treasure, Traps, and Locations in Prep
- 43:46 Patreon Question: Thoughts on 1st Level Adventures
- 45:37 Patreon Question: Revealing Pointcrawl Maps to Players
- 49:46 Patreon Question: Tying Characters to Linear Adventures
- 51:31 Patreon Question: Gaslighting Players and the False Hydra
- 55:05 Patreon Question: Tracking In-World Time
- 57:24 Patreon Question: Go-To Reskinnable Monsters
- 59:31 Patreon Question: Preparing GM Intrusions with Cypher System
- Buy Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master
- Preoder the Lazy DM's Companion
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Mastering Dungeons Podcast
- Favorite 2021 3rd party D&D Products Tweet Thread
- Arcadia by MCDM
- The Book of Fiends by Robert Schwalb and Green Ronin
- Complete Kobold Guide to Monsters
- Iskandar by MT Black
- Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie by EnWorld Publishing
- Ptolus 5e by Monte Cook Games
- Scarlet Citadel by Kobold Press
- Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands by Raging Swan Press
- Southlands by Kobold Press
- Vault of Magic by Kobold Press
- Where the Machines Wait by Monte Cook Games
- Pointcrawls
- Mermaid graphs
- Organizing RPG Products Tweet Thread

Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Lazy GM Prep: Blades in the Dark Session Zero Prep
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Mike prepares for his session zero of Blades in the Dark!

Monday Dec 27, 2021
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 00:00 Show Intro
- 00:23 DM Tip: Lightning Rods in Boss Fights
- 09:04 Player Campaign Survey Results
- 17:16 1,100 Pages of Awesome 5e Third-Party Books in One Day
- 27:21 Patreon Questions
- 28:18 Patreon Question: What Lazy DM Material Do I No Longer Agree With?
- 34:14 Patreon Question: Help Struggling Players Explore
- 39:26 Patreon Question: Organizing Campaigns in Notion, OneNote, and Other Tools
- 45:35 Patreon Question: Character Options in One-Page Campaign Guides
- 48:41 Patreon Question: Game Intro Rituals
- 51:01 Patreon Question: Concluding a Campaign with Limited Time Left
- 52:47 Patreon Question: Point Crawls with Geographic Maps
- Buy Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master
- Preoder the Lazy DM's Companion
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Player Campaign Survey Results
- Grim Hollow Monster Grimoire
- Grim Hollow Monster Grimoire Lairs
- Dungeons of Drakkenheim
- Remarkable Inns
- Remarkable Shops
- Remarkable Cults

Friday Dec 24, 2021
Frostmaiden Retrospective
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Friday Dec 24, 2021
After finishing his Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign, Mike offers his thoughts and advice for the adventure and describes the epic conclusion to his campaign.
- 00:00 Show Intro
- 01:14 Experiences and Tips for Running Rime of the Frostmaiden
- 02:07 Be ready to modify a lot of this adventure
- 04:01 Cut quests liberally from chapter 1. It's far too big.
- 05:46 Add quests, adventure paths, and keys to tie chapter 2 to the rest of the adventure
- 07:38 Modify the timing of the Chardalyn dragon's attack to suit your story
- 09:47 Add trials of Auril based on the characters' backgrounds and drives
- 11:23 Tie Grimskalle and Ythryn together as requirements to end the Endless Night
- 13:03 The Conclusion to Mike's Frostmaiden Campaign
- 18:49 The Final Battle - Waves of Nasty Monsters and Lightning Rods!
- 28:21 The Final Sacrifice
- 32:03 One Year Later...
- 41:06 The End of my 18th campaign in seven years
- 44:45 Preview of the Witchlight campaign: Dreadful Incursions!

Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Frostmaiden Prep Session 41: The Sepulcher of Thruun
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Mike prepares for his final session of Icewind Dale, Rime of the Frostmaiden!

Monday Dec 20, 2021
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 00:00 Show Intro
- 00:45 Lazy DM's Companion Art and Maps Preview
- 03:53 D&D Errata and Feedback
- 17:39 Kickstarter and Blockchain - Ugh.
- 25:48 D&D Beyond Combat Tracker Automatically Includes Character Initiative!
- 31:45 Dungeon Craft Reviews Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master
- 33:45 RPG Spotlight on Index Card RPG
- 40:48 Patreon Questions
- 41:07 Patreon Question: Filling Empty Rooms
- 46:05 Patreon Question: Homebrewing Rest Mechanics
- 49:28 Patreon Question: One-line 5e Monster Stat Blocks?
- 51:44 Patreon Question: What's In the Lazy Player's Guide?
- 53:37 Patreon Question: Adding Fate-style Aspects to D&D Games
- 56:12 Patreon Question: Advice for Adventurer's League DMs?
- D&D Errata
- Kickstarter on Blockchain
- Kickstarter Announces Blockchain Future, Doubles Down After Users Say 'No Thank You'
- D&D Beyond Combat Tracker Auto-Tracking Character Initiative
- Dungeon Craft Ultimate Dungeon Terrain
- Dungeon Craft review of Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master
- Dungeon Craft spotlight on Index Card RPG
- Index Card RPG Free Preview
- Index Card Hardcover
- Index Card Master Edition PDF
- Index Card Essentials Deck
- Lazy DM's Companion Free Preview (with Monument generators!)
- Good Behaviors for D&D Players
- Building a Great D&D Character

Friday Dec 17, 2021
Frostmaiden Prep Session 40: Ythryn Part 4
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Mike prepares for his latest session of Icewind Dale, Rime of the Frostmaiden!

Thursday Dec 16, 2021
How to ”Make It” in the D&D and RPG Industry
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Mike offers some thoughts and shares some experiences on the topic of what it takes to "make it" in the D&D and RPG industry. No magic bullets here but hopefully some useful thoughts on the topic.
- 00:01:03 What does "Making It" Mean to You?
- 00:04:30 Advice is Bullshit
- 00:06:28 The Duality of Optimism and Pragmatism
- 00:09:46 Practical Advice (oops)
- 00:13:07 Use Lots of Platforms
- 00:14:38 The Marketing Funnel
- 00:21:33 The Value of Email Newsletters
- 00:28:09 Getting Attention - Go Wide
- 00:28:42 What About Podcasting?
- 00:32:17 What About Conventions?
- 00:33:59 Consistency + Visibility. Both Are Important.
- 00:38:13 40% Find Me Through YouTube
- 00:43:17 What Products Should One Make?
- 00:54:37 RPG Writer's Workshop
- 00:56:22 Where Do You Sell Your Stuff?
- 01:08:37 Final Thoughts (NOT ADVICE!)
- Buy Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- John Baldessari and the Three Rules for Artists
- Washington Post article about the Twitch streamer
- Glengarry Glen Ross Put the Coffee Down
- The Marketing Funnel
- Great video on the value of newsletters
- Tubebuddy
- Rob Schwalb's Short Adventures
- Raging Swan Press
- Waterdeep City Encounters
- Dyson's Commercial-Usable Maps
- Adventure Writers Workshop

Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Strixhaven Spotlight
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Mike does a spotlight look at the new Wizards of the Coast hardcover D&D sourcebook and adventure, Strixhaven, a Curriculum of Chaos.
- 00:00 Show Intro
- 02:16 Digital vs. Physical. Why not both?
- 04:08 A Different Kind of Sourcebook
- 05:57 Magic University
- 07:15 Three Facts about Strixhaven
- 17:39 A Place You Want to Go
- 26:42 Character Options
- 44:06 School is in Session
- 52:31 Mike Hates the D4. Worst Die Ever.
- 56:20 Let's Look at Monsters

Monday Dec 13, 2021
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Mike talks about all things D&D! Open up these notes for video contents and links.
- 00:00 Show Intro
- 01:33 Lazy DM's Companion Update
- 04:09 Tips for High CR Monster Damage
- 13:10 Product Spotlight: Southlands by Kobold Press
- 37:59 DM Tip: Don't Punish Characters Taking Initiative
- 42:47 Patreon Questions
- 43:16 Patreon Question: Restarting an Old Campaign
- 45:42 Patreon Question: Transitioning a Game to a New DM
- 48:02 Patreon Question: Unconnected Fronts
- 51:31 Patreon Question: What's the Problem with Twilight and Peace Clerics?
- 59:16 Patreon Question: Breaking Up with a Player or Game

Friday Dec 10, 2021
Frostmaiden Prep Session 39: Ythryn Part 3
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Mike prepares for his latest session of Icewind Dale, Rime of the Frostmaiden!

Monday Dec 06, 2021
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Lazy DM Companion update, Polls on Fudging HP, Silvery Barbs and Opting-In for Non-Core books, Blades in the Dark, and Patreon Questions!
- 00:00 Show Start
- 00:39 Lazy DM's Companion Update
- 07:55 Fudging Hit Point Polls for DMs and Players
- 11:06 Silvery Barbs and Opting-In for Non-Core Books
- 23:16 Blades in the Dark Spotlight
- 38:32 December Patreon Questions
- 39:08 Patreon Question: Too Much Hoarding of Physical Books?
- 42:13 Patreon Question: Options for Zombie Characters?
- 44:47 Patreon Question: Procedures for Dungeon Crawls
- 47:49 Patreon Question: Balancing the Campaign Theme and Six Truths in Spiral Campaign Development
- 51:43 Patreon Question: High Charisma "Face" Characters Stealing the Show in RP Scenes
- Buy Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master
- Preoder the Lazy DM's Companion
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Fudging HP Poll (Players)
- Fudging HP Poll (DM)
- Think DM: Why Are DMs Banning Silvery Barbs
- Blades in the Dark
- Blades in the Dark Player's Kit
- Video on Spiral Campaign Development

Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Mike chats about all things D&D!
- 00:00:00 Show Intro
- 00:01:12 Lazy DM Companion Update
- 00:03:59 The Sly Flourish After-School RPG Grant
- 00:06:22 D&D Beyond Usage Poll
- 00:11:45 Patreon Q&A
- 00:12:16 Patreon Question: Tuning Encounters Around Your Group
- 00:19:30 Patreon Question: Noir-Style Adventures in Tier 2+
- 00:24:00 Patreon Question: Running Fun High-Level (Level 16+) Campaigns
- 00:30:36 Patreon Question: More Stuff for Martial Characters
- 00:34:11 Patreon Question: Players Hoarding Relics and Magic Items
- 00:38:34 Patreon Question: Getting Players to Use High Level Spells
- 00:39:54 Patreon Question: Balancing Custom Monsters
- 00:45:26 Patreon Question: Completely Improvising a Session
- 00:49:02 Patreon Question: Making Use of Tool Proficiencies
- 00:52:55 Patreon Question: Avoiding Plot-Armor for Character-Focused Plots
- 00:55:45 Patreon Question: Rewarding Magic Items While Avoiding Overpowering Characters
- 01:01:53 Patreon Question: Incorporating Character Secrets
- 01:05:50 Chat Question: Magic Item Identification
- 01:06:40 Chat Question: Converting Older Adventures
- 01:07:09 Chat Question: Fistful of Copper
- 01:07:43 Chat Question: Creating Rivals
- 01:08:53 Chat Question: Ideal Endings
- 01:11:38 Chat Question: Recommended Books, TV Shows, Movies, and Games?
- 01:13:39 Chat Question: Grendleroot with Small Parties
- 01:14:00 Show Ending

Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Frostmaiden Prep Session 38: Ythryn Part 2
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Mike prepares for his latest session of Icewind Dale, Rime of the Frostmaiden!

Monday Nov 22, 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 01:02 Lazy DM's Companion Kickstarter Update
- 02:30 Mastering Dungeons on Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
- 08:14 Improvising Monsters With Stat Tables
- 18:16 Using Different Monster Books for Different Areas
- 19:52 Sharing Experiences - Not Offering Advice
- 23:26 Patreon Questions
- 23:42 Patreon Question: The Non-Core Books with the Biggest Impact on D&D
- 27:44 Patreon Question: Running Games at a Game Store
- 31:48 Patreon Question: Using Old School Essentials to Teach D&D?
- 36:17 Patreon Question: Challenging both Optimized and Non-Optimized Characters
- 41:52 Patreon Question: Guidelines for Alternative Systems
- 45:02 Patreon Question: Thinking About Villains Early On
- 47:17 Patreon Questions: Managing PC Home Bases
- 48:38 Patreon Question: Managing Character Creation for New Players
- 51:26 Patreon Question: Is D&D Become Less Flexible? No.
- Buy Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master
- Preoder the Lazy DM's Companion
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Mastering Dungeons on Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
- Blog of Holding, Monster Manual on a Business Card
- Managing Time
- Old School Essentials
- D&D Basic Rules
- Teaching New Players D&D Video
- Lord Gozumba's D&D Twitch Show
- Ythryn Expanded Towers by Daniel Khan
- Deep Magic by Kobold Press

Friday Nov 19, 2021
Frostmaiden Prep Session 37: Ythryn Part 1
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Mike prepares for his latest session of Icewind Dale, Rime of the Frostmaiden!

Monday Nov 15, 2021
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 00:00 Intro
- 00:34 Patreon Update: Sly Flourish's Uncovered Secrets Volume 1 & 2
- 02:59 Lazy DM Companion Update
- 03:55 DM Prep with Obsidian.md
- 13:19 Kickstarter: Expedition to the Mysterious Peaks
- 15:16 Kickstarter: cy_borg
- 20:05 Product Spotlight: Mork Borg Feretory
- 27:18 DM Tip: Beefing Up 5e Vampires
- 31:05 Using Fizban's Treasury of Dragons in Play
- 34:14 Patreon Question: Setting the Mood
- 39:10 Patreon Question: Planning Upward and Downward Beats
- 42:42 Patreon Question: Has Character Death Become Taboo?
- 50:57 Patreon Question: Satisfying Conclusions for Weak Villains
- Buy Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master
- Preoder the Lazy DM's Companion
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Obsidian.md
- Nicole van der Hoeven's video on using Obsidian with D&D Prep
- Kickstarter: Expedition to the Mysterious Peaks
- Kickstarter: cy_borg
- Mork Borg Feretory
- Descent into Avernus: Fall of Elturel
- Campfire Story Prompts During Rests in D&D

Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Frostmaiden Prep Session 36: Caves of Hunger Part 3
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Mike prepares for his latest session of Icewind Dale, Rime of the Frostmaiden!

Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 00:00:44 Preorder Page for the Lazy DM's Companion
- 00:03:21 Thoughts on Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
- 00:12:43 WOTC's Problem with High CR Damage
- 00:20:45 Kickstarter: Planegea by Atlast Games
- 00:23:05 Kickstarter: Skyraiders of Abraxis by Laura and Tracy Hickman
- 00:25:06 Kickstarter: Rewards and Rarities by 2C Gaming
- 00:27:13 Kickstarter: Reliquaries by Dwarven Forge
- 00:32:04 Transitioning to 70% Online Play
- 00:35:39 Spotlight: Vault of Magic by Kobold Press
- 00:44:19 Patreon Questions and Answers
- 00:45:14 Patreon Question: Transitioning to Published Adventures
- 00:47:46 Patreon Question: Worrying about Subverting Expectations
- 00:50:37 Patreon Question: Character Deaths and New Characters
- 00:53:21 Patreon Question: Keeping Track of Characters' Knowledge
- 00:55:02 Patreon Question: Handling NPC to NPC Conversations
- 00:56:34 Patreon Question: Adding Details to Fantastic Locations
- D&D Talk Show YouTube Playlist
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master
- Preoder the Lazy DM's Companion
- Level Up Advanced 5e
- Kickstarter: Planegea by Atlast Games
- Kickstarter: Skyraiders of Abraxis by Laura and Tracy Hickman
- Kickstarter: Rewards and Rarities by 2C Gaming
- Kickstarter: Reliquaries by Dwarven Forge
- Vault of Magic by Kobold Press

Friday Nov 05, 2021
Frostmaiden Prep Session 35: Caves of Hunger Part 2
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Mike prepares for his latest session of Icewind Dale, Rime of the Frostmaiden!

Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 00:01:01 Lazy DM's Companion Kickstarter
- 00:02:14 Thoughts on Ravenloft Halloween One-Shot
- 00:13:32 Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
- 00:21:50 Kickstarter: Amazing Encounters and Places
- 00:24:29 Kickstarter: Potbellied Kobold's Guide to Villains and Lairs
- 00:25:33 Kickstarter: Planebreaker
- 00:28:24 Numenera Humble Bundle
- 00:30:02 Kickstarter: Book of Ebon Tides
- 00:31:02 Building RPG Companies Around Kickstarter
- 00:32:43 Patreon Question: Best Encounters for 1st Session
- 00:36:54 Patreon Question: Ideal Sidekicks for One-on-One Games
- 00:38:46 Patreon Question: Running Natural Disasters as Villains
- 00:41:57 Patreon Question: Ideal Facts for the "Six Truths" when Campaign Building
- 00:43:38 Patreon Question: Lazy Prep for Dungeons
- 00:46:42 Patreon Question: Process for Building Boss Monsters
- 00:50:58 Patreon Question: Tell Players about Monster Immunities and Legendary Resistances
- 00:54:02 Patreon Question: Lazy Prep for Marathon Sessions
- 00:56:22 Patreon Question: Ideal Number of Sessions for Milestone Leveling
- 00:57:24 Patreon Question: Keeping the Tension in Roleplay Scenes
- 00:58:26 Patreon Question: Using Lazy DM Steps for Other RPGs
- 01:00:20 Patreon Question: Failing Forward on a TPK?
- D&D Talk Show YouTube Playlist
- Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
- Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
- Buy Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master
- Lazy DM's Companion
- Running a One-Shot Ravenloft Game Video
- Running a One-Shot Ravenloft Game Article
- Draft One-Shot Strahd Stat Block
- Kickstarter: Amazing Encounters and Places
- Kickstarter: Potbellied Kobold's Guide to Villains and Lairs
- Kickstarter: Planebreaker by Monte Cook Games
- Numenera Humble Bundle
- Kickstarter: Book of Ebon Tides by Kobold Press
- Running 1st Level Encounters
- Tier-based Quests and Adventures
- Spiral Campaign Development Video
- Dan Dillion's Tweets on Tuning Bosses
- Think Through the Eyes of your NPCs

Friday Oct 29, 2021
Frostmaiden Prep Session 34: Caves of Hunger
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Mike prepares for his latest session of Icewind Dale, Rime of the Frostmaiden!

Monday Oct 25, 2021
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 00:00 Intro
- 00:39 Artwork from the Lazy DM's Companion
- 03:22 Mike on D&D Beyond Talking Fizbans
- 04:21 Call from the Netherdeep Announced
- 06:23 Critical Role Season 3
- 08:10 Critical Role's Gaming Room
- 10:03 How Much Better Would Your Game Be with a Million Dollar Gaming Room?
- 20:15 Mastering Dungeons
- 20:59 WOTC's D&D Growth Over Time
- 25:01 Paizo's Union
- 27:23 Level Up: Advanced 5e Kickstarter
- 29:42 Raiders of the Serpent Sea Kickstarter
- 31:04 Kickstarters are the Most Interesting Growth Areas of RPGs
- 35:36 Patreon Questions!
- 36:11 Patreon Question: Running Lighthearted Campaigns
- 41:38 Which Third Party Products to Trust?
- 48:24 Running Chases in D&D
- 55:43 Avenues for Indy RPG Creation - Newsletters!!
- Lazy DM's Companion Kickstarter
- Mike on D&D Beyond Talking about Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
- Call from the Netherdeep
- Critical Role in Variety
- Critical Role's Gaming Room
- Hidden Brain podcast on Fear of Missing Out
- Select the Right Accessories
- The Best Ways to Improve your D&D Game are Free
- Mastering Dungeons
- D&D Growth Over Time
- Level Up: Advanced 5e Kickstarter
- Raiders of the Serpent Sea Kickstarter

Friday Oct 22, 2021
Let‘s Make an Adventure with the Lazy DM‘s Companion Part 2
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Mike uses material from the Lazy DM's Companion to continue his preparation for a single-session D&D game!

Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Frostmaiden Prep Session 33: Chardalyn Dragon Aftermath
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Mike prepares for his latest session of Icewind Dale, Rime of the Frostmaiden!

Monday Oct 18, 2021
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Mike talks about all things D&D!
- 00:00 Show Start
- 00:29 Lazy DM's Companion Kickstarter
- 03:14 Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
- 05:38 The dragons in the First World
- 10:48 Aspect of Tiamat, Great Wyrm stat blocks, and spellcasting dragons
- 18:32 Monster Design Guidelines from WOTC
- 23:45 13th Age Spotlight
- 43:30 Patreon Question: Tracking what happened
- 46:44 Patreon Question: Putting on pressure in flexible campaigns
- 51:26 Patreon Question: The 8 steps in a megadungeon
- 54:29 Patreon Question: Putting puzzles into your game

Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Frostmaiden Prep Session 32: The Chardalyn Dragon
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Mike prepares for his latest session of Icewind Dale, Rime of the Frostmaiden!